Jul 28, 2022
Just because you have an MRI that says something is torn or bulging does not mean you have to have pain.
Seems unbelievable, right?
But what if I told you that there are multiple research studies that have compared low back MRIs of people with and without pain and found no correlation between structural issues and pain?
That you can have NO pain, even if you have a bulging disc. And you can have pain, even if you don’t have a bulging disc.
Because the presence of a structural issue doesn’t mean you’re destined for pain (and vice versa).
If you’re ready to enjoy life without pain, but your MRI wants to say otherwise, today’s episode is for you.
You’ll learn:
Today’s episode is brought to you by Mobility Mastery Toolkit. Forget icing and stretching - and get a simple program you can do on your own that actually works. The Toolkit includes 30-days of exercises so you know exactly what to do to improve the mobility of your hips, lower back, feet, neck and shoulders. With video demos and a full-body mobility workout calendar, you’re just 15-mins a day from feeling stronger and more flexible. Save 50% when you use the code MASTERY at www.mobilitytoolkit.co