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May 28, 2020

Is stretching enough if you feel super tight? It depends. Because feeling tight isn’t just about short muscles. In fact, it probably has more to do with your fascia and collagen than anything else. If your body feels super tight or you’re not sure if all that stretching is actually working... today’s episode is...

May 21, 2020

Are deep lunges bad for your knees? Will your knees explode if you do one? In this episode, I’m diving deep into the anatomy of the knee so you can make an informed decision about deep lunging and if it’s right for you.

I cover...

  • How knees and other synovial joints work
  • How deep lunges affect them
  • And how you can...

May 14, 2020

A tight IT Band can create issues like Runner’s Knee, ITB Syndrome and pain in your hips or knees. But stretching or foam rolling your IT band aren’t always the best fix. In fact, your IT band can’t actually stretch. So on today’s episode, we’re digging into the anatomy of the IT band and...

  • Why stretching...

May 7, 2020

How much water do you actually need to drink? Is it half your body weight? 8 glasses a day? Are electrolytes necessary? On today’s episode, I’m digging into all the hydration myths to sort fact from fiction so you can stay well hydrated (and keep performance and recovery humming). 

In today’s episode, I cover: