Apr 29, 2021
Does what you do in the gym have an impact on how you feel for the rest of your day too (and could that be optimized by syncing it with your cycle)?
For the last 6 months, I’ve been programming a specific type of workout based on where I was in my cycle. And the results have been super interesting.
I’m all about...
Apr 22, 2021
If something hurts - should you stretch it? Or do mobility?
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen someone ask for recommendations on the internet for an injury and 90% of the responses are “do this stretch!” or “try this foam roller thing”!
Which isn't necessarily bad advice - but it’s...
Apr 15, 2021
When it comes to anxiety and stress - Is the only option to learn to live with it?
On today’s show, I’m chatting with Dr. Giancarlo Licata of Vital Head and Spinal Care - one of the top neurofeedback centers in the world. And what he has to share about retraining your brain is going to blow your mind.
Apr 8, 2021
Whenever I feel like I can barely keep my head above water, the first thing that gets dropped is my workouts. Which then only fuels the overwhelm because I move for my mental health.
It’s a double edged sword - you don’t have time to workout because you’re overwhelmed but then you feel more overwhelmed because...
Apr 1, 2021
Should you eat before you workout? Maybe you’ve heard that working out on an empty stomach is the worst thing you could do for your performance.
Or maybe you’ve heard that fasting is the BEST - and anything other than that is a waste of time.
I don’t eat before I workout - and haven’t for a super long time.