Sep 24, 2020
What does it actually take to get stronger without getting hurt? That’s exactly what I’m sharing in today’s episode. And when you dial in these 6 things, you’ll not only know how to build strength in a sustainable way, but you’ll also be super clear on how to manage anything that comes up. Because YOU should...
Sep 17, 2020
Injuries slow you down and keep you from your workouts. And while it might be tempting to try fifty million different mobility exercises and foam roller hacks to get out of pain, a step-by-step approach will get you faster and longer lasting results. The Squat Assessment has your back and will help you uncover any...
Sep 10, 2020
Being a Body Detetive means you feel phenomenal, every day. You’re moving well, sleeping well, and most importantly, not afraid of pain. But how can you change the seemingly unchangeable and get to that point? It’s entirely possible, regardless of what your diagnosis or MRI says and on today’s episode, I’m...
Sep 3, 2020
There’s nothing more frustrating than thinking your injury is gone only for it to keep coming back every time you go on a run or back to working out. Which is what was happening to my client, Monica. She’s joining us today to share her journey on how she got out of the injury cycle and back to moving her body in all...