Jul 21, 2022
Welcome to summer. You’re hot. You’re sweating. You drink some water. But you wake up the next day with a headache…are you dehydrated?
And is 8 glasses a day really the fix?
In today’s episode, we’re diving into the deep end with all things hydration. Which means I’ll be busting the 8 glasses a day myth and share with you the surprising link between anxiety and hydration status that recent research has suggested.
So instead of just thinking you should probably drink more water - learn the science behind the WHY, including:
Today’s episode is brought to you by Mobility Mastery Toolkit. Forget icing and stretching - and get a simple program you can do on your own that actually works. The Toolkit includes 30-days of exercises so you know exactly what to do to improve the mobility of your hips, lower back, feet, neck and shoulders. With video demos and a full-body mobility workout calendar, you’re just 15-mins a day from feeling stronger and more flexible. Save 50% when you use the code MASTERY at www.mobilitytoolkit.co